Thursday 10 February 2011

second post

Search and Destroy?

Tugging a name from memory,
I Google. So many hits,
a global spread, decades apart.
Scanning the list, one can delete
the misspelt and the anachronistic,
the differently sited, located
without; the memory holds, is held.
A tempting to tag, to hit
upon an old friend, long lost.
Long gone to other lives.
Back then, we were thin,
tight skinned and loose of limb.
Now, flaccid, potential gone
to obesity and baldness.
More grey to add texture
to a monochrome life.
Me now, a person in need of support
clinging by fingertips
to the slippery walls of inanity.
A long pause, a staring at the name,
my finger chooses x to close,
best leave undisturbed the ghosts within.


It is my intention to post my attempts at poetry on this site, if you stumble across it please feel free to advise or positively criticise. constructive views will be welcomed.


What use is string that does not bind
but sits in vibrating oneness?
Too small to see, too small to tie,
but yet connects, not in four,
but in ten dimensions.
What use those dimensions,
five through ten?
Will they make us closer, less isolated,
in an expanding multiverse?
Questions that raise more questions,
with partial answers, the answers
partial to the donor.
Maybe it is all in the maths;
maybe the answers unite
all the letters and numbers;
maybe the answer's significant
to three decimal places.
Too complex for me,
I'm embroiled in The Dark Matter,
lost in its solidity,
my mind tied in Knots.

The Glass Cube

Greenly tinged and ghostly etched,
The Twin Towers stand bracketed,
By Liberty and Empire,
Divided by trade without succour.
Without mercy, they’re gone,
Sent to oblivion.

Greenly tinged, they’re remembered,
In a filigree of scratches scored
On glass, a hologram
An aide memoir to summon
The life lost in heroic failure, and
Of a poor world trade structure.

Greenly tinged through dust, descending,
The ladder numbers, ascend,
Ghost and are gone.

Poem suggested by a souvenir of New York Ante-nine/eleven this souvenir was pre 2000

A Contemplation on the Cross

The dead thing; the dead tree
Is pinned
Into a hole.
Its rough bark
Reddened by
Some recent use,
Left bare
Alone, also the ground around its feet.
Scuffed, the dust impressed in groups
And singly, left as silent witnesses.
Discarded, a litter of tears,
Leaves salt in the wounded earth.

Above, the clear sky sparkles
Against the dark of space.
The light fails, the dark invades.

No comets flare, no storm.
No lightening flash of anger.
The cleared sky and ground
Leaches sadness to the crickets cry.
Out comes peace, out, frenetic day.